A Black Dog in a Dream (The deeper Meaning)

Dreams carry symbols of stories. The question is: what does it all mean? Seeing a  black dog in a dream may carry a meaning deeper than simple terms. So, what does it mean when a black dog appears in your dreams?


  • A dream dictionary often gives a very general idea. However, keep in mind different cultures and personal experience shape the meaning further.
  • The black dog as a dream symbol:  It helps to analyze all the fine details of this symbol
  • Inner Reflection:  It helps to think of any relevance of a black dog to your personal life.
  • Outer Research:  Conduct research about the history, facts and cultural beliefs of a black dog. This helps bring awareness of personal truths not currently aware of.
  • Dream Theorists: Freud and Carl Jung theorized that dream symbols trace to our deep unconscious.
  • Native American culture: Teach us that animals in dreams carry lessons of deep wisdom.

Firstly, almost everyone will dream of a different black dog. The black dog in MY dream may look like this:

a black dog in a dream vision

Instead, the black dog in YOUR dream may look like this:

black poodle in dream scene

Similarly, many dream dictionaries give contrasting dream interpretations. From this, Sid Prince, an independent researcher, raised a very important point. If an author of a dream dictionary is against black dogs due to a cultural bias or personal experience, then the dream dictionary will not share an accurate interpretation for someone who positively associates with dogs.

In an interview, Sid Prince, further shares the advice of making YOUR OWN dream dictionary.  

Create a journal of your dream symbols , conduct research and self-reflect. Over time, it may fit together in a personally meaningful way.

The History and Cultural  Background of Dogs:

Historically, dogs were bred for companionship and duty. In both Eastern and Western cultures, dogs are generally seen as a symbol of loyalty, trust and friendship. Therefore, the symbol of the dog generally carries a message of a close bond.

It may also allude to an attachment to someone or someonthing.

black shepherd dog on a mountain

PRO TIP: Include your own history, memories and personal associations with dogs. This helps give more clues about the overall meaning of the black dog in your dream.

The Breed of the Dog:

There are many breeds of dogs bred for different purposes.  In fact, there are 7 main groups of dogs. This includes working, herding , hounds, toys, sporting, non-sporting and terriers. Some are bred for work while others are bred as therapy dogs or family pets.

Therefore, by researching more into the breed – you may form more meaningful associations with the characteristics of the black dog from your dream.

black shepherd dog in a dream

As an example, a working dog like a shepherd may allude to your connection with work or a personal goal. Furthermore, a family dog may symbolize a connection with family, friends or close acquaintance.

CAUTION: Aside from the breed of the dog, consider whether the dog alludes to a memory or phobia with a particular dog. Or, does this dog perhaps look like a dog belonging to someone you know.

friendly black dog in a vision

PRO TIP: Consider the size of the dog. This can also give a clue to how its presence emotionally affected you.

The Black Color of the Dog:

The color black carries a variety of messages for different cultures. Interestingly, the color black can symbolize a positive or negative message depending on the context. In some cultures, black is a symbol of power, mystery and magic. On the other hand, some view black as a symbol of fear, darkness, or bad luck.

PRO TIP:  It helps to research facts about the color black and your association to it. This helps with brainstorming that may trigger something personally relevant.

Scientifically, the color black is the only color that absorbs all other colors. Like the mysterious black holes of the universe, the color black absorbs all light. Furthermore, it has no place in the visual spectrum of light. It’s not even featured on the rainbow.

PRO TIP: Think of your immediate personal associations with black. Does it carry more negative themes such as loss, phobias, anxiety, or pain? Or, does it carry more positive themes such as change, transformation, power, or peace?

The black color of the dog may also symbolize secrets, hidden information or mystery.

Your Overall Emotional Response:

Next, consider your overall emotional response to the black dog from your dream. Were you afraid, happy, excited, intrigued or confused?

black pug dog in vision dream

PRO TIP: Once you have your emotional blueprint from the black dog in your dream, think of a time you felt this exact same way in real life.

This can help expand the meaning and context of the black dog from your dream.

Examples of Dream Interpretation : A Black Dog in a Dream

A black WORKING dog BARKING in a dream: If your personal association with dogs and the color black is generally positive, this may symbolize a warning to pay attention to someone or something related to work that may have been taken for granted.

In contrast, if the black WORKING dog is intimidating and you have negative associations with dogs and the color black, this could serve as a warning about getting too close to something or someone related to work.

dark dog in a scary nightmare

A black FRIENDLY dog in a dream that SCARES you : If your personal association with dogs and black is positive, this could allude to an important friendship or close bond with someone. The emotional response of fear could indicate a testing challenge within this close bond that may need further exploration.

In contrast, a black FRIENDLY dog that makes you feel at PEACE could allude to a close friendship or bond that has the potential for something more – depending on how you personally associate with the black dog.

What does it mean to Dream of a Black Dog ?

Final Thoughts:

  • According to Carl Jung, a Swiss Psychiatrist, dream symbols are like text in a foreign language. Like learning any language, it requires us to immerse ourselves into it. Therefore to interpret the meaning of particular dream symbol, it helps to journal details associated with it.
  • According to Freud, dreams are deeply tied with our unconscious – mostly with childhood repressions. To help explore deeper messages from our unconscious, it helps to actively engage with our dreams.
  • Next time you dream of a black dog, keep a dream journal of all the details. You may find common features and patterns that speak to you in a meaningful way.

-By Nikita King

After reading about the different meanings of a black dog in dream, here are posts about Dream Interpretation:

Dreams about a Snake: A deeper Meaning

An Interivew about Dreams ( feat. Sid Prince)

Why it is Important to Study our Dreams

Understanding the Mysterious Language of Dreams

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