Waking up from a nightmare is a heart-pounding relief. Though, it was just a dream, the jolt of fear and anxiety was real. Dark dreams may linger and fade in the back of the mind – however, what if it happens over and over again?

In an interview with Tanya, she she shares more about a recurring dark dream:

“I call her, ‘The Lady’,” explains Tanya. 

“At the same time, I don’t really want to define her.  She appears in my dreams as many different forms,” she says. “But her presence always feels the same.”

This figure manifests as a dark presence in her dreams. They are the different faces of “The Lady.”

“It’s strange, but even during moments of great real life success – it’s like, I can feel her dark presence stronger than ever,” Tanya says. ” I know it’s ‘The Lady’  when I feel the vibe.  Even in my dreams, it feels like losing control – like a possession of some sort,” she adds.

It’s a fascinating contrast like a distorted mirror reflection staring back into the eyes of the same person. Dark and frightening dreams may carry messages from within to release pain, fears or abuse personal to the dreamer. Whether the dark presence is an extension of Tanya or perhaps an energy she attracts, it seems clear that Tanya is always ready to accept  “The Lady.”

Tanya Williams , a young professional, currently  works as an ambitious small business owner of a car company called  Boost Theory. She has a strong passion for art, beauty and fixing cars.  In an exclusive dream interview, she shares more about her dream experiences:

 How would you rate your ability to recall your dreams?

I remember my dreams 80%- 90% of the time. This may have something to do with my creative side. My  dreams are usually very vivid and so that’s why I am able to remember most of it.

Wow, that’s really impressive! Could you describe some of these vivid dream experiences?

 Well, I noticed that I usually have 2 or 3 dreams blended into 1 dream. Some really odd ones include dreams of walking around naked. Um … also, when I was young I would dream of  going to the washroom thinking it was uh…real.

Well, good to know I wasn’t the only one who got tricked into that one! When you’re conscious in your dreams, what do you like to do?

 I like to observe.

What do dreams mean to you?

 I think it’s a place for the imagination to take control. Dreams are like thoughts – random and seem to reflect a collection of energy manifestations. I don’t think there’s a point in feeling lost about dreams. I see it as a way to define my own pathway.

Have you ever had any reoccurring dreams?

No, it’s weird but I do have a reoccurring dream presence. I call her The Lady. It’s like some kind of evil possession. I remember one dream of The Lady strapped to an operating table. She seemed rabies infested. Her movements were erratic and wild as she fought to break free.

She managed to rip through the straps and lunged toward this doctor in a white lab coat.  The Lady’s mouth widened, she sunk her teeth into the doctor and tore through his flesh. She just devoured him whole. Right after that, she mentioned some word that sounded like “anabolic.” Soon after she appeared to be in a state of peaceful pleasure.

During the interview, Tanya shared the following dream recording of “The Lady” from her dark dreams:

I am standing in the middle of my bedroom. My eyes search the darkness. A slit of light filters through the crack  of an open door. I  grab the door knob and step into dim light. Then I follow the eerie passageway into a washroom.

I a white tiled floor. My mother appears.

Something bulky stirs inside the bathtub. At first I just see long dark hair falling over a white dress. It is a young girl standing up from the bathtub. Her hair is wet and hangs lifelessly over a white Victorian night gown. She lifts her foot over the edge of the bathtub and staggers toward my mother.  It reminds me a little bit of that movie “The Ring.”

My instincts kick in. I scream to distract the girl. She falls into my arms and grips me hard. I hug the young girl and feel  her tense body soften.  Finally, she lets go.

There is a space in the wall that’s between a Mother Mary statue and my brother’s bed.  She chooses this space.

Without looking back, she walks through the wall and leaves.

Special thanks: I would like to thank Tanya for sharing her dream experiences with me. Her ability to see beauty, strength and hope in  some of the darkest corners of life is truly uplifting! Thank you Tanya!

-By Nikita King

alt="tanya and her black dog"
Tanya and her dog , Rocky