Dreams have immense entertainment value. It’s like going to the movies without paying for an entry ticket.  Flying through space, fighting with superheroes or walking over water are just a few of many dream adventures.  However, beyond all the special effects, there is a powerful learning dimension to dreams. Many famous dreamers discovered something more within their dreams.

Dreams appear to awaken life into Infinite possibilities.

Dreams have no definite form.  There are no walls that hold a dream in fixed space. If this is true, and dreams are an extension of our minds – perhaps dreams may lead to deeper realms of our mental power.

Here are 3 famous dreamers who valued the power of dreams:

1. Albert Einstein:

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Named “Person of the Century” by Time magazine, Albert Einstein was a different kind of genius. Though greatly known for his profound scientific contribution, many of his famous quotes included the power of imagination.

He valued the power of creative visuals in his quote: ” Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”

Einstein is said to have reflected deeply upon his internal dream world. Furthermore, he even used visualization techniques to arrive at some of his theories.

For example, his Theory Of Relativity, was inspired by a vivid dream. He dreamed that he was sledding down a steep mountainside – going faster and approaching the speed of light. As a result, this caused the stars in his dream to blur and change in appearance. This dream imagery of events looking different in relation to how quickly the light reaches our eyes quickly inspired Einstein. Eventually, he put together the Theory Of Relativity.

From a single dream, he worked out the idea that space and time are not as absolute as everyday experience would suggest.

2. Nikola Tesla:

white concrete statue near white concrete building during daytime

As a visual thinker, Tesla was a daring inventor with humble ideals. He is best known for his major developments to the electrical system of alternating-current, motors and chargers that are still widely used today.

He briefly worked with Thomas Edison and wanted to better the world with simplicity.

One of his boldest ideas included a free energy system that allowed everyone access to the energy sources throughout the world. Many of his complex scientific claims are still considered ahead of his time. Guided by creative thinking, he conducted many of his scientific experiments  in the lab of his mind.

He drifted to sleep in a different way than most of us do.His skill to consciously access the vivid visions to that of a dream state allowed him to deeply ponder, observe and explore.

He described some of his deep picture thinking as follows: “My method is different. I do not rush into actual work. When I get an idea I start at once building it up in my imagination. I change the construction, make improvements and operate the device in my mind.”

3: Stephen King:

red ball on brown wooden surface

There’s always been that one disturbing dream that haunts the mind over the next few days. Some nightmares still linger and at times we have to wonder why.

“In fact, it happened when I was on Concord, flying over here, to Brown’s. I fell asleep on the plane, and dreamed about a woman who held a writer prisoner and killed him, skinned him, fed the remains to her pig and bound his novel in human skin.” stated Stephen King.

Though King possesses a natural craft for horror stories, this particular dream sparked an idea for his famous horror novel called Misery. In 1987, Misery later set in motion a psychological  horror movie based on his book.

Stephen King believes that dreams are a way for people’s minds to illustrate the nature of their problems in a symbolic message.

In an interview with Naomi Epel, Stephen King said: “I’ve always used dreams the way you’d use mirrors to look at something you couldn’t see head-on, the way that you use a mirror to look at your hair in the back. To me that’s what dreams are supposed to do.”

– By Nikita King

Fascinated with these famous dreamers? Read interviews here: