dream vision of aliens

Starting from 2013, I experienced a number of dreams about aliens. In one dream, I felt as light as wind and levitated into the night sky. I floated higher and saw the clouds below me. As a weight of darkness fell over me, I looked up and saw a hovering spaceship. It was structured like a collection of blocks. Unsure of what to expect, I focused my gaze and saw a humanoid pilot.

dream of alien spaceship

In another dream, I saw missing people reappear as clones from outer space.

As bizarre as it all sounds, I could not deny the vivid emotions I felt during my dreams about aliens. The experience was unlike any other. Consequently, I decided to talk more openly about it.

It was as if my dreams about aliens really did happen in a future yet to unfold. Awe is the best word to describe my feelings of fear and wonder. Stricken with intrigue, I was moved to share my dream experience with a very wise mentor of mine – named Sylvia. I was so sure she would have told me to perhaps just relax my mind , drink some herbal tea and take a walk.

To my surprise, she was overcome with familiarity as she shared her own dreams about aliens. This is her recollection on dreams about aliens:

You just gave me goose bumps when  I read about your dream about aliens – it reminded me of Transformers [the movie]. I have been having these alien ship dreams too – though, I never saw anyone inside. However, this is now my fourth dream since it started.

In the dream, these alien spaceships were black, huge and ominous. Like transforming machines, these spaceships lowered robotic legs from below. There were tons of them – these robot feet stomping deep craters into the ground. Ramming into buildings, these shape-shifting spaceships were everywhere.

In a positive dream about aliens, I dreamed that the night sky was lit up with thousands of bright lights. I remember feeling happy for some reason. It may be a sign that something will occur one day – perhaps of an alien nature. However, whether it’s something staged to create fear or something else – is beyond me.

alien transformers in dream

About Sylvia:

sylvia youtube user profile picture

Aside from her many professional work responsibilities, she also raises awareness on social issues through her popular Youtube channel called ConsciousAwakening1. Her channel is known for content that originates from a place of love, freedom and truth-seeking. Above all , she encourages others to always lend support to each other instead of waiting till problems arise. Some of her most popular video content are entitled, “TV Programming Brain Washing”, “Prison Planet – A Better World is Possible” and “Polarities.”

To me, she is powerful enough to have any life of her choosing – yet, she always chooses to stay close to those who need her help and support.

-By Nikita King

Finally, here are interviews with other dreamers:

Sid Prince: A Dream Interview

Tanya: A Dream Interview

Famous dreamers

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  1. FAMOUS DREAMERS | Dreams & the Inner Beyonds
  2. DARK DREAMS: INTERVIEW WITH TANYA | Dreams & the Inner Beyonds

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