Thank you for discovering my website along your journey through dream exploration. Inner Beyonds is a project on the study of dreams and supports the personal journey inward. Like the great mysteries of life, dreams don’t always make sense – yet, we dream for about one third of our lives.
Many dreamers have experienced at least one profound dream that influenced an important life decision, led to a new discovery or left an emotional imprint.
Dreams appear to hold personal value and there is written evidence of this for about 5000 years. Many ancient cultures – including the Native Americans and Tibetan Buddhist Monks – meditated deeply upon the world of dreams. To help inspire others to seek deeply for answers, Inner Beyonds features research findings and interviews with other dreamers.

My studies on Dream Analysis began with my Dad. Growing up, I loved hearing my Dad start a morning with, “Wow, I had a weird dream last night!”
These were my favourite stories to hear. Like the stage of a magician show, dreams appear to hold endless possibilities. Pushing through walls, walking over water, and flying through space are just some of the theatrical moments I experienced in my own dreams.
At the age of 16, I began a dream journal and wrote out my dreams. Initially, it was just a fun way to compile all the entertainment in my dreams. It wasn’t until 3 years later, I experienced a recurring dream.
I then began to experience dreams in a whole new way. I was now in search for answers.
With my dream journal, I studied my dreams with conscious intent. After delving further into the studies of Dream Analysis, Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud at the University of Toronto, it confirmed that dreams appear to reveal a deeper dimension to who we are. The details of my recurring dream can be read here.
In my attempt to discover the meaning behind my recurring dream, I had a dream where I knew I was in the dream. At the time, I didn’t know what had happened. I later discovered this is known as lucid dreaming – the conscious experience of a dream. This is often the state where a dreamer can influence the dream and to an extent – control it. It felt as if I unlocked another realm of my mind.
To this day, I’m still unsure of what my recurring dream meant. However, I call it the dream that led into deeper dreams
If it wasn’t for this particular dream, I wouldn’t have discovered how to lucid dream with respect. Lucid dreaming is special to me because it gave me the chance to converse with my dreams – a gateway into my deeper nature. Many people think lucid dreaming grants you the power to do anything you want. It’s mostly true, I personally enjoyed flying in my dreams. However, you learn that a dream can respond in very unexpected ways and appears to carry its own wisdom.
Though almost everyone dreams – the journey inwards is unique.
Therefore, to help inspire others to engage meaningfully with their dreams, I created Inner Beyonds. Here, you will also find my interviews with other dreamers – including one of my professors, from the University of Toronto, who teaches lucid dreaming to fourth year Psychology students.
If you would like to share your own dream experiences and questions, feel free to reach out to me at nikita.king@utoronto.ca and I would be happy to share my awe and opinions with you.
– Nikita King